I gave in to the madness of going to the midnight showing . . . dinner at the Melting Pot (at 9:30 p.m.) and craziness with the girls was great! The movie, on the other hand, was beyond cheesy - and I needed a little more in the vampire department. Too bad, but a fun night overall!
hafizhjaya 300x250 kode iklan untuk blog
7 years ago
Yeah, I was there on opening day too! Even here in Germany it was a full house and we got tickets a day ahead. I liked the movie, but agree with you! I left wishing they would have done a lot of things different. Did you read the books? Is it pathetic that I've read them more than once? I'm in YW which only makes it worse! I actually got in debates at church on whether Edward was cute enough or not (NOT - I wanted more of a manly man!) Oh well.
Not so great, huh? We don't have options like midnight showings here at our 1 theater town. Sounds like fun for you, though! At least you got in a fun night with the girls! We're going this weekend. Did you ever read all of the books? I remember you were reading Twilight last year when we got together. Ummmm...I really shouldn't be saying LAST YEAR when we got together...we need to do more and see you guys more! That's ridiculous that it was over a year ago!! Well, at least we can keep in touch through blogging! And if we ever get a free weekend, we'd love to get together! The problem is getting that free weekend. Miss ya!
I agree. Very fun but CHEESY! If only if it weren't for those U-Tube spoofs.
Shoot. Don't ruin it for me :) I wanted to wait till all the hub-bub was over before I went...our tickets are for this weekend. I am almost planning on being disappointed. I'm not sure a movie can ever be as good as a book.
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