Sunday, November 23, 2008

Viva la Vida!!!

What an amazing concert! Jason and I went for the 2nd time to see Coldplay. The last time was in Vegas almost 2 years ago - and then last Saturday! I really can say this is my favorite band! And what great performers, they are at full speed the whole concert. We went with some friends who had seats by the walk out stage. Our seats are what Jason called by the "walkout roof" - but really, they were great! We were able to sit the entire concert if we wanted and then the band came into the audience to play a song and were directly underneath us. I'm not really one to get excited over "stars", but it was fun to be so close to the greatest band!
This is the shirt I was goint to get, if the line hadn't been so long - but I really liked the brown. I guess this will do since, now that I'm not at the concert, I don't have an urge to buy it! :)


Jami said...

How fun for you guys. One of my friends went and said it was amazing!

Mary said...

Jealous! We were too lame to get tickets . . . Plus, I don't know if you know this, but there was a pretty important football game on that night too. Soooo glad we stayed home to watch that!